Cosmetista Expo North & West Africa 2024
This year we had the opportunity to take part in the Cosmetista Expo North & West Africa 2024 in Morocco, Casablanca.
The whey itself is basically a by-product of cheese making. However, whey protein is a set of amino acids necessary for us to do bodybuilding, including the total of exogenous and branched BCAA amino acids, which the body is unable to synthesize on its own. Isolate is one of the most effective and most valuable forms of protein supplements.
Whey protein is one of the protein fractions found in milk. Milk itself does not belong to high protein products (about 2% of protein), but the value of whey proteins it contains is very high. The milk protein group consists of casein and whey proteins. Whey proteins make up about 12- 15% of the total milk protein group. During the production of various milk products, the casein clot first precipitates. A casein protein strain is concentrated in this isolated solid part of the milk. The remaining liquid part is whey itself. It extracts whey proteins, which constitute only about 1% of its composition.
Highly concentrated whey protein products are obtained from whey, using membrane technologies. Their production is safe for whey proteins, that are very sensitive to damaging factors. This is particularly true of high temperature, which can lead to an irreversible change in their structure (denaturation). Then, the protein is unfortunately not assimilable. And, as it turns out, whey protein concentrates are not only high quality proteins, but also carriers of many health-promoting substances.
Important: Whey protein is a wholesome protein, showing maximum assimilability. Its additional advantage is the high content of BCAA and glutamine amino acids. Whey protein satisfies the appetite and provides glycomacropeptide, regulating the digestive system.
It is a wholesome protein. This means that it contains all 8 exogenous amino acids (i.e. those that the body is unable to produce on its own) in the right proportions. Thanks to this protein is fully absorbed by the human organism. Whey protein belongs to proteins that do not cause digestive problems. It owes it to the unique amino acid composition and almost zero amount of lactose, which is removed during the production of protein nutrients.
The advantage of whey proteins is the high content of branched chain amino acids (BCAA) and glutamine, which are essential amino acids associated with effort.
Due to elimination of high temperature from the production of high-protein nutrients, they are the carrier of valuable health-promoting substances in which milk is abundant. These will include peptides that prevent the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II- a part of the RAA system (renin- angiotensin- aldosterone). These substances are related to the body’s water management and pressure regulation. The cascade of changes in this system causes vasoconstriction, and in excess it can stimulate the development of hypertension.
Whey proteins will also carry glycomacropeptide. This compound is responsible, among others, for improving the composition of the intestinal microflora and the emission of tissue hormones in the digestive system, which reduce the feeling of hunger.
Important: Whey proteins can be found in the form of WPC, WPI and WPH. They differ in terms of assimilation time. The fastest absorbed form is WPH, WPI after it. WPC amino acids appear in blood after about 30 minutes.
By applying the aforementioned membrane technologies (filtrations), which, to simplify, work similarly to sieves equipped with holes of different sizes, various final whey products are obtained. The ultrafiltration process itself can finally result in WPC with a concentration of up to 80% of whey proteins. Multiplication of the filtration process (micro, ultra) allows to obtain a cleaner product, i.e. WPI, with a higher protein content, and at the same time a smaller amount of by- products, as fat or lactose. Elite isolates are most often made on the basis of CFM technology, thanks to which protein concentration can reach almost 99%.
Amino acids derived from WPC appear in blood after about 30 minutes of ingestion, and in case of WPI this process takes up to just 15 minutes. The overall release of amino acids from the WPC into the bloodstream takes approximately 2 hours.
Whey proteins consist of different lengths of protein chains, i.e. peptide chains. When these chains are cut into shorter parts during production, we get WPH. Whey protein hydrolyzate undergoes express digestion, thanks to which the amino acids from WPH literally appear in the blood a few minutes later. An additional advantage of this form of whey protein is the lack of an allergenic effect.
Whey protein recommended for breakfast and in the post-workout period
Important: Whey protein is worth taking at those times of the day when the body has a particularly high protein requirement and has high potential for its assimilation. This applies to the time just after getting up, and the time of post-workout regeneration.
Whey protein is an excellent ingredient of breakfast. At this time of the day, the metabolism shows the highest rate, thanks to which the body has great possibilities of protein assimilation. Whey proteins perfectly suppress appetite by providing a filling form of breakfast. In addition, we must remember that protein breakfasts are perfectly coupled to the human daily biorhythm. In contrast to high-carb breakfast options, they do not make you feel sleepy. Quickly absorbed whey proteins consumed in the morning, effectively suppress morning catabolism (high cortisol) and stimulate the body.
The second time during the day in which we should use the potential of whey proteins is the time after finishing training. Following supplementation with carbohydrates and amino acids, whey proteins, due to the high insulin index, lengthen the anabolic window.
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